Wednesday, November 11, 2009

First Post!

This is a blog about you. This economy has inspired many people to start their very own businesses. I myself started a successful mobile car washing service in the Beverly Hills area. I know that when I first started my company I had a hard time getting the name out and finding customers. I know there are a lot of great businesses out there that are in the same position. This is where I will make an impact.

The floor is open to my readers and I want you to advertise your company right here on my blog! There are plenty of readers who will be happy to comment on your business and help you refine your business model. Even if it is just an idea... Post it!Every week I will pick a "company of the week". If I like your company I will headline my blog with a link to your website and talk about why I think that your company will be successful. This is a learning and teaching blog. I look forward to creating a large network of experienced and beginning entrepreneurs alike.

Happy posting!

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